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Leica MP

In 2003 Leica introduced the MP.  The "original MP and MP2" were legendary Leica from the late 1950s based on the M3 and sold as professional equipment. They are some of the most sought after of the Leica M cameras. So naming a modern camera MP and then saying that the MP stands for Mechanical Perfection is confidence bordering on hubris. 

In some ways the MP is a very modern camera. The meter is TTL with a range of EV2 to EV20 and the only thing on the MP that is battery dependent.  The viewfinder is improved to reduce flare and available in 0.58, 0.72 or 0.85 magnification. But the MP also draws on the original MP/ M3 heritage. The look and styling, feel more M3/2 than they do M6. The film advance is a solid unit not a plastic tipped unit like started with the M4. The film rewind is also the M3/2 variety. Internally the MP is reported to be more like the hand assembled and hand tuned glory days. The Leica logo is back on the top and not a red dot in sight. All this and available in black paint with that great brass ware look that some people love and some hate.

My Take:

So was it confidence or hubris that drove Leica to reusing the MP name. Is this truly mechanical perfection? It is very hard to complain about the MP. Does it take a better picture than say an M6, no. But we could make the same argument about the M5 or the M4-2 (less the light meter). They are all Leica and, if cared for, will all work to take a great picture. That is not to say that the MP is not special, it is. It has that old Leica feel and the new Leica features that leave you with zero excuse for not getting the shot. 

If you want to complain, there is the price. Even used they will run more than a similar condition M6. Plus there just don't seem to be as many out there as there are M6. So is it worth the extra cost. Well if you are the type to form an emotional connection to your camera, then yes. The MP is an emotional connection type of camera. If the camera is just a light tight box to hold the film, then maybe. The MP is arguable a better built camera and should serve longer as a tool for your work. 

I love my MP and would gladly trade am M6 or M7 for one. Not just because it is a better camera but because it is a work of art and visual joy. Mine is well used and showing the ware. But I love that about it.

I will admit that the choice of am MP over an other M is as much am emotional choice as it is a logical choice. But what rational person writes a blog about old film cameras? And why still shoot film if not in part for the emotional connection to the process and equipment. 

Lens: Leica Summicron-M E39 35mm f.2.0

Film: Ilford HP5 400
